
Al Jazeera Al Hamra achieved zero crime rate

Not a single alarming crime has been reported at Al Jazeera Al Hamra in the first nine months of this year, the Ras Al Khaimah Police have announced.

Al Jazeera Al Hamra achieves zero crime rate

Not a single alarming crime reported at Al Jazeera Al Hamra in the first nine months of this year, the Ras Al Khaimah Police announced.

The competent criminal, traffic and administrative teams along with the Al Jazeerah Al Hamra Police Station have made this happen.

The teams, commit to the vision and strategy of the Ministry of Interior, and boost the sense of safety and security among the people in the emirate.

Col Ahmad Abdullah Jakkah, chief of Al Jazeerah Al Hamra Police Station, said that the ‘Safe Community’ initiative had significantly reduced crimes.

Specialised patrols are work round the clock at hot spots, including residential and industrial areas.

This is done in collaboration with the criminal investigation teams.

Brochures in different languages had been distributed, primarily to factory workers, to raise their awareness he said.


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