
Gravitate towards positivity on this Full Moon Night in Ras Al Khaimah

Gravitate towards positivity on this Full Moon Night in Ras Al Khaimah

Gravitate towards positivity on this Full Moon Night in Ras Al Khaimah

On a Full Moon Night. Practice this for a positive impact of gravitational pull

Just as the tides rise more on a full moon night, because the gravitational pull of the moon is working on water more than  it would on any other night, your blood flow is also being impacted as the blood circulation increases in your brain.

When this upward movement happens, whatever maybe your state of being ; it is further enhanced. You may have heard that people who are a little off their psychic balance will become more imbalanced on those days because the upsurge in energy enhances whatever is your quality.    It is also doing the same to the other traits in you, but most people may not be sensitive enough to notice it.

If you are meditative, it makes you more meditative and calm. If you are in love, it makes you love more. If you are fearful, it makes you fear more.   

On this day energy vibes are at its peak. To make full use of this heightened sense of energy, practising the Hatha Yoga is most beneficial as it is more conducive to meditate and gravitate the human body towards positive energy waves. The benefits of Yoga are most compatible on a serene full moon night.

Hatha yoga and meditation
Hatha yoga and meditation
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