Treasure hunting in the laps of Ras Al Khaimah’s Nature
As we come across the many splendid images of a place that is immensely attractive yet relatively unpopular; skimming through the Instagram account of RAK Natures Treasures our interest is brimming with anticipation.

A quick call to the owner and he eagerly invites us over on a fine evening to not just see but experience a hidden gem carefully wrapped in natures lap.
After several drives around the Digdaga pin point, we finally manage to park ourselves outside a warehouse styled office place. We are warmly welcomed and the first sight of the interiors floors us!

RAK Natures Treasures Gems Tariq Salman’s RAK Natures Treasures
A lavish display of sea corals, natural gems, precious stones, rare rocks, fossils and skulls, preserved fauna, exotic spices and an array of arteifacts that depict the lifestyle of yesteryears. Amidst our exploring of this mini wonderland we eventually meet Mr.Tariq Salman, the owner.
He explains to us about his passion to travel and collect antiquities from different corners of the world and how much he believes in the power and beauty of nature. His hard work and efforts are reflected in his eyes and what he unravels next awes us.

We walk out into the rooms next to the meeting area, where he shows us his ornate collection of UAE’s stamps and telephones, followed by an organic salt room decorated beautifully. As we discover the chambers of equestrian equipment styled like a barn. Tariq shares his love for Arabian horses he maintains at the farm. We are also notified that his beloved reptiles are around the corner.

As we delve deeper into this treasury, Tariq shows us how the farms are constantly supplied with water through reservoirs to keep the vegetations fresh, he has also dedicated a storage area for desalined water for sustainable farming through the year. Fresh organic sweet corns and cucumbers are the seasons best picks and he humbly invites us to come again the following season to sample delicious tomatoes, lettuce and bottle gourds.

Tariq is hands on with his favourites as he shows us a mini nursery housing various cacti, following suite we are then taken to experience an actual farmyard that greets us with a majestic pigeon house, peeking through which we see a flock of gorgeous white pigeons ready to go to bed. He tells us that this structure is also the logo of RAK Natures Treasures.

With the evening coming into fuller colours, we are introduced to Tariq’s curious oryx, cautious turtles, sleepy fishes and gorgeous pair of ebullient flamingos awake and awaiting us. I shriek in excitement as the peacocks, emus and donkeys nap peacefully. He points out the mini sky walk upon which visitors are able to get an aerial view of the farm.

After a round up of the farm, Tariq shares with us his plans to expand the farm and do it up better to serve as a visitors center. Currently he offers a guide who does educative tours mostly for school groups. Children are given light refreshments, hands on farming guidance, animal petting and bags full of knowledge.

As we walk out exchanging greetings, Tariq along with his Emirati hospitality gives us one final insight “Nature’s simplicity is the most beautiful thing and I only want to show people this through RAK Natures Treasures”, we agree with him and promise to return soon to support his efforts.
Visit this charismatic wonderland to experience a serene lifestyle, currently it is free for visitors.

- RAK Natures Treaures
- Location :
- Contact : Tariq Salman : 055 750 5556
- Timings : Daily, 8:00 am to 19:00 pm
- Instagram : @raknaturestreasures