
Head to the Mountains to watch the First Lunar Eclipse of the year 2020

Blood moon Lunar Eclipse Ras Al Khaimah (Illustration)

Head to the Mountains to watch the First Lunar Eclipse of the year 2020

This probably is the best time to visit Jebel Jais mountains in Ras Al Khaimah. The world will witness the first lunar eclipse (moon) of the year 2020, just a few weeks after we experienced a solar eclipse which enthralled us on the 26th of December 2019.

The first Lunar eclipse of the decade will be a penumbral lunar eclipse taking place on January 10, 2019 (Yes its a weekend!)

During this celestial event of penumbral eclipse, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned, but not in a straight line. This will cause the surface of the moon to appear to darken slightly.  This is the best time to visit Jebel Jais mountains in Ras Al Khaimah.

The Lunar Eclipse in UAE Timing



Penumbral eclipse begins
The Earth’s penumbra starts touching the Moon’s face.
Jan 10th 2020
Maximum eclipse
Moon is closest to the centre of the shadow.
Jan 10th 2020
Penumbral eclipse ends
The Earth’s penumbra ends.
Jan 11th 2020
Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Much of North America, East in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic.

Unlike with solar eclipses, you need no special equipment to observe lunar eclipses. These latter events, which occur when the moon passes into Earth’s shadow, are safe to view directly with the naked eye, telescopes or binoculars.
While you’re packing for your Ras Al Khaimah Camping, use this handy camping checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important.

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