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Cataracts, though often associated with older adults, can also affect children. Pediatric cataracts can significantly impact a child’s vision, potentially leading to long-term consequences if left untreated.
As parents, you must recognize the signs and understand the implications of this eye condition. Unlike adults, children’s eyes and brains are still developing, making timely detection and intervention imperative.
In this guide, you’ll learn about pediatric cataracts, their causes, diagnosis, treatment, and the essential role parents play in supporting their children’s eye health.
Understanding Pediatric Cataracts
At any age, cataracts obstruct the lens, hindering its ability to focus light onto the retina, thus distorting images sent to the brain.
While adults typically have cataracts after their vision has fully developed, children’s eyes and brains are still developing until around eight to 10 years of age. Consequently, untreated pediatric cataracts can have severe and permanent effects on vision.
Cataracts in children can be present at birth, congenital, or acquired during infancy, childhood, or adolescence. Various factors contribute to their development, including genetic disorders like Down syndrome, metabolic conditions such as diabetes, and eye injuries.
Congenital Cataracts
Some infants are born with cataracts, which may or may not affect their vision. However, those that impair vision often necessitate removal to prevent long-term complications.
Secondary Cataracts
Secondary cataracts form due to underlying illnesses like diabetes or as a side effect of medications such as steroids. These can exacerbate vision impairment and require prompt medical attention.
Traumatic Cataracts
Eye injuries, whether occurring immediately or years later, can lead to traumatic cataracts. These can significantly impact a child’s visual acuity and necessitate intervention to mitigate further damage.
Radiation Cataracts
Exposure to certain types of radiation can trigger the development of radiation cataracts. Understanding the potential sources of radiation exposure is crucial in preventing these types of cataracts in children.

Pediatric Cataract Diagnosis
Diagnosing pediatric cataracts requires vigilance in recognising common signs and symptoms early on. Look out for leukocoria, a white pupil reflection seen in flash photography, that indicates cataract presence. Other indicative signs include:
- Strabismus (crossed or misaligned eyes)
- Nystagmus (uncontrolled rhythmic eye movements
Routine eye exams and vision screenings are pivotal in early detection. Pediatricians often identify cataracts during well-baby checkups. A comprehensive eye exam conducted by a pediatric ophthalmologist in Dubai can confirm diagnosis and guide prompt treatment.
Treatment Options for Pediatric Cataracts
Treatment for pediatric cataracts varies based on factors such as the type, severity, and whether one or both eyes are affected.
In most cases, surgery is necessary to remove the cataracts. However, pediatric cataract surgery requires specialized instruments and techniques due to children’s smaller eyes.
Following surgery, ongoing treatment is crucial to repair eye-brain connections. This may involve the use of one or more of the following to achieve proper refractive correction and focus clear images on the retina:
- Contact lenses
- Intraocular lenses (IOLs)
- Glasses
Patching may also be necessary for children with lazy eye to stimulate vision in the weaker eye.
Timely intervention is paramount in managing pediatric cataracts to prevent permanent vision loss. Children who receive prompt treatment and follow-up care typically have a good prognosis, although they may require years of vision rehabilitation to achieve optimal outcomes.
4 Ways to Support Children’s Eye Health
Ensuring optimal health during childhood is crucial for their overall well-being and development. Here are some ways you can support your child’s clear vision to reduce their risk of cataract and other eye conditions:
- Ensure they have a healthy diet
Ensuring your child consumes a balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for maintaining optimal eye health.
Fill their plate with foods containing the following nutrients that support healthy vision:
- Zinc
- Lutein
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Vitamins A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
Encourage the consumption of fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and mangoes, which aid in tissue restoration and infection prevention. Incorporating leafy greens like spinach and kale, which contain vitamin A, can help combat dry eye and night blindness.
Non-meat proteins like eggs and nuts contribute to a well-rounded diet, promoting overall eye health and preventing associated conditions such as obesity and hypertension.
- Increase their visual engagement
Stimulating your child’s visual development from a young age is crucial. Here are some tips to help:
Introduce high-contrast colors and patterns in toys and décor to engage their visual senses. Encourage them to focus on objects around them in various environments, promoting a wider field of vision.
Interactive games like peek-a-boo and patty cake enhance hand-eye coordination, fostering healthy visual development from infancy through childhood.
- Protect their eyes
Preventing eye injuries is paramount in maintaining children’s eye health. Equip them with protective eyewear made with shatterproof plastic lenses when engaging in activities prone to eye injuries.
Be vigilant in assessing indoor and outdoor environments for potential hazards and ensure compliance with safety standards for equipment.
Limit their screen time on digital devices and make them follow the 20-20-20 rule – taking 20-second breaks every 20 minutes to focus on something 20 feet away – helps reduce digital eye strain and associated vision problems.
- Get their eyes checked regularly
Regular eye examinations by an eye doctor in Dubai are essential for early detection and intervention of potential vision problems.
If you or your pediatrician suspect any issues with your child’s vision, schedule an appointment for a comprehensive screening and personalized recommendations to support healthy vision development.
Ensure Your Child’s Vision Health
Understanding pediatric cataracts and proactive measures for eye health are essential.
This is why parents should prioritize regular check-ups with eye specialists for their children. Early detection and intervention are vital in safeguarding their child’s vision and well-being.