
Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques
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A speedy life in a megalopolis with constant difficulties and stresses, which affect the mental and emotional state, tenses our muscles and nerves.

Without adequate rest, this state can lead to health problems. Sometimes, even a night’s rest is not conducive to a full recovery and to restore the body to a normal state. Therefore, it is very important to learn to mentally and physically relax using the existing relaxation techniques. You will learn about them in this article.

What is the skill of relaxation?

Surprisingly, we need to return to the state that we were given by nature, and being in a state of stress and fatigue, we can not achieve this. Because of overexcitement, we do not allow ourselves to relax our hands, close our eyes, or stop thinking about problems and different situations. This leads to ill health and a bad mood.

Relaxation is the ability of the body to fall into a state of rest, forget about worries, and release tension.

Tension in our body can be temporary and accumulative. Tension that is quickly calmed down is temporary (e.g. an hour-long workout at the gym).

Accumulative tension is made up of:

  • Physical fatigue – lack of sleep, irregular working hours, unsolvable difficulties, muscle fatigue.
  • Psychological tension – conflicts, quarrels, arguments, feuds.
  • Energy oppression – unfavourable interactions and energy exchange with the environment.

If the body’s tension does not go away, then there is no approach to resolve why it is happening.

Nowadays, several techniques for relaxation exist to restore the psycho-emotional state and rest physically, which is called body and soul.

Different techniques and exercises require different approaches—some can be done only at home, and others can be applied in the office, in your spare time, or in a spa salon like Armonia, where professionals can help you.

Quick relaxation technique

This relaxation technique can be used to quickly disconnect from worries and forget about problems.

  • Understand the cause of stress and push away the negative and stressful situation in your thoughts.
  • Do exercise because sports exercises relieve nervous fatigue.
  • Breathe calmly and deeply.
  • Take the fetal position and freeze for 10 minutes, then straighten up with an exhalation. This will help to release the clamps.
Relaxation Techniques

How to learn to relax completely

Muscles can tighten without coming to a normal state, which indicates psychological problems. If the muscles of the mouth are clenched, it means there is resentment and a need for protection, if the muscles of the neck are, it means there is fear and control over speech, tightness in the chest area indicates emotional clamping, and in the abdominal area – about fear.

Physical activity and sports activities have been proven to help with anxiety and tension. Small physical activities to help relax each muscle group:

  • For the neck and shoulders, lower back, arms, calves, and thighs – bending over;
  • For the back-upward pulls;
  • For the oblique muscles of the abs – left and right turns;
  • For legs – squats.

Relaxation after stress will help:

  • Walking;
  • Pets;
  • A good movie;
  • Favorite music;
  • Yoga, pilates;
  • A warm bath;
  • Meeting with friends.

Relaxing your muscles will help:

  • Dancing for 5-7 minutes;
  • Swimming lessons;
  • Warm bath with aroma oils;
  • Contrast shower.

Relax the head will help:

  • Massage- It is an effective method of coping with stress. It consists of mechanical action on the skin, such as rubbing and pressing. Tactile touches help eliminate fear and anxiety, relax, and get pleasant emotions.
  • Taking water procedures – Recovery of vigor and strength, steaming feet, contrast shower, and wet towel rubbing have an energetic effect;
  • Aromatherapy session is a method based on healing properties, application of natural products, vegetable-smelling oils, aromatic flower waters, and essential oils;
  • Tea with medicinal herbs – has a general relaxing effect, helping you to fall asleep;

There are many relaxation techniques; the main thing is to choose the most effective one. However, there is no more pleasant way to get rid of anxiety and tension than massage. We invite you to visit Armonia Spa Salon, where our qualified specialists will solve all your problems.

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