Experience Stargazing at Ras Al Khaimah
New to novas and nebulas? No worries. Team up with Ritz-Carlton Al Wadi Desert and enjoy a stargazing experience for yourself, family and friends. Get thrilling astronomy adventure while the gang dish out tips and give informal talks about the constellations.
Discover and discuss the wonders of the universe with our Rangers as your personal stargazing guides. Connect your camera, smartphone or tablet to our professional telescope and capture the mesmerizing images.

Daily, as per request
AED 235 per adult | AED 350 per couple | AED 175 per child
Duration: 45 minutes
Location and Contact
Phone: +971 7 206 7777
Website: http://www.ritzcarlton.com/alwadidesert
Email: rc.rktrw.experience@ritzcarlton.com
Booking in advance is required.
Subject to availability and weather conditions.