
Al Rashad British Private School : Schools of Ras Al Khaimah

Al Rashad British Private School Ras Al Khaimah

The school was opened in 1994. The school is named ‘Al-Rashad” which- in Arabic- means the guidance and metaphorically it personifies the school as the guide which leads the students in their educational journey.

Al Rashad British Private School: Schools of Ras Al Khaimah

The school was opened in 1994. The school is named ‘Al-Rashad” which- in Arabic- means guidance and metaphorically it personifies the school as the guide which leads the students in their educational journey. The school had transferred the system of education from the governmental system of education to the British system of education in the scholastic year 2012-2013. The school achieved academic accreditation with the degree of efficiency in the year 2013-2014. The school had five top achievers among schools in the Middle East in the scholastic year 2014-2015. The school exceeds the international averages in the English language in the IBT in the scholastic year 2015-2016. The school consists of three sections. The Kindergarten section, Section one which includes (KS1, KS2 & KS3 girls section) and Section two which includes (KS2 & KS3 Boys section).

The Al Rashad British Private School is also referred to as Harvest Public School, Ras Al Khaimah


LocationAl Dhait South, P.O.Box / Zip Code 4328 , RAK UAE
CurriculumBritish, American, Arabic
Founded Year1994
Grades/ ClassesKG 1 to Grade 9
School Timings8.00 am to 1.35 pm
Transport Provided by schoolYes


  • Library
  • Clinic
  • School Transport
  • uniform

Fees information

Tuition Fee (Annually):- AED 8000-19000


Telephone –: (+971) 7-2352002/ 2355055
Email – or


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