Ras Al Khaimah is offering a discount on these fines
In line with the year of tolerance campaign, Ras Al Khaimah Government has announced a 30% discount on fines for Environmental violations.
The discount is also applicable to all the violations registered before the launch of this initiative. Since January 2019, Govt has issued 4,000 tickets against a variety of environmental violations across the emirate.
The discount is offered for 1 month till 27th June 2019
Industrial Environmental voilations
Staff inspectors use smart devices to monitor and record all anti-environmental violations. These smart devices help detect and record any violation immediately the device automatically sends an SMS to the mobile phone of the erring person involved showing the type of violation, place, and time.
Public Environmental Vioilations
55 Patrols are deployed to public attraction sites line Jebel Jais, public beaches, Corniche road, and along the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed road, to insure cleanliness and serenity.
How can you help?
Illegal and anti-environmental practices need to be immediately reported to the department hot free line (8008118) or via our smart app ‘Kolona Rakib’ – ‘We All Monitor’, to preserve the beautiful image of the emirate.
Source: Khaleej Times