The new medicine, Sotrovimab, used for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the UAE led to the recovery of 97.3 percent of recipients, the Minister of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) said on Wednesday.
Sotrovimab treatment results were announced by the UAE health bodies. The medicine is used for severe coronavirus cases in adults, pregnant women, and children aged 12 and above. This treatment is used as these groups of people are at risk of progressing to severe symptoms and meet other relevant criteria.

As published in GulfToday, UAE was one of the first nations globally to receive a shipment of Sotrovimab recently.
According to the results, released by the health ministry, the medicine, Sotrovimab, was given to more than 650 patients with coronavirus 46 percent of whom are citizens and 54 percent of whom are residents. The majority of the patients are aged 50 or above.
Nearly 100 percent of recipients showed improvement within five to seven days and, as symptoms subsided, neared full recovery.
Sotrovimab works as a monoclonal antibody treatment for severe COVID patients. The medicine is delivered through intravenous therapy in accordance with health regulations.
Patients receiving the Sotrovimab medicine fall within at-risk groups due to other comorbidities that have been associated with severe coronaviruses, such as obesity, kidney, lung, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and allergies.
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