
The Ras Al Khaimah Happiness Festival

The Happiness Festival, Ras Al Khaimah

Ras Al Khaimah Happiness festival. TruckersUAE will come to Ras Al Khaimah with the trendiest food trucks in the country to satisfy the most demanding hungry visitors!

The Ras Al Khaimah Happiness Festival

The Happiest Event Of The Year Is Back Again!

TruckersUAE will come to Ras Al Khaimah with the trendiest food trucks in the country to satisfy the most demanding hungry visitors!

Entertainment will combine musical programming with live music and DJs from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm.


The three-day festival will feature;
Kids Village with colorful bouncy castles for young ones.

Kids Zone

Kids will have a memorable time at this zone which will have creative activities like art and craft and painting.

Visual Art Zone

Visual Art Zone where you can have an incredible amount of fun with spray cans and learn the techniques of Graffiti.

Musical Zone

DAWARAN is an overnight electronic music party in the magic of the desert

A musical zone by our African Drummers and Guitarist is an interactive, musical group experience that you will never forget.

Bikers Parade

Harley Davidson Ras Al Khaimah

Witness the Bikers Parade on 15th February by 5:00 pm.


The Happiness Festival, Ras Al Khaimah
The Happiness Festival, Ras Al Khaimah

Enjoy the best view of the spectacular fireworks which will light up Ras Al Khaimah’s sky on 14th February 2019 10:00 PM onwards

Balloons in Sky

Over 15,000 Balloons will be Unleashed in the Sky!


Location – Al Marjan Island, Ras Al Khaimah
13th Feb – 04:00 PM to 10:00 PM
14th Feb – 04:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Fireworks at 10:00 PM
15th Feb – 04:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Balloon Launching at 05:00 PM




[ai1ec tag_name=”RAK Happiness Festival”]


Al Marjan Island, Ras Al Khaimah



  1. Karina Buettner

    February 16, 2019 at 7:52 pm

    Hallo. It was a really nice event under a lovely spirit. Well done. I have a question though. Event photographers took photos or my dog and promised to send them to me but they never have despite several reminders. Can anyone tlle me how I can get in touch with the organisers of the event to obtain the pics? Thanks so much

  2. January Scott

    February 16, 2019 at 3:41 am

    More power to the organizers and to WOW-RAK for deciding to do the right thing. You have saved the day! Peace Love and Happiness to all who cared!

  3. Abhishek Tiwari

    February 15, 2019 at 7:05 pm

    Hi guys apparently they actually cancelled the launch in last moment.

  4. Abhishek Tiwari

    Abhishek Tiwari

    February 15, 2019 at 3:37 pm

    Dear All, As per my recent conversation with concerned people, the Balloon launch IS happening today around 5:00 PM

  5. Melissa McKee

    February 14, 2019 at 8:48 pm

    Love the idea of a Happiness Festival in RAK. Lived in RAK for 10 very happy years and I care about preserving our community.
    PLEASE re-think the release of 15000 balloons – this is so bad for the environment….camels, birds and sea life all affected

  6. Abhishek Tiwari

    February 12, 2019 at 12:54 am

    Dear All,
    Thank you very much for your feedback and it is good to know that we all love the Emirate and it’s enviornment so much.
    The message about concern for balloon launch has been passed on the organisers via correct channel. I will post the decision once I receive the information.

  7. January

    February 12, 2019 at 12:28 am

    Saddam Shaikh, your ideas are great and if ever there is an initiative on coral farming, tree planting etc we’d support it!

    But for this particular event, I hope by now you understand that releasing plastic balloons will end up in the desert and sea that wildlife might consume thinking it was food and end their life early.

    Balloons per se are not bad if it can be disposed of properly afterwards. Do you understand?

    So by all means, have the balloons, but we are against it being released.

  8. January

    February 12, 2019 at 12:15 am

    Instead of releasing the 15K balloons please keep it tied down or give it to children for free, use it as decor, have a contest for families who can pop the most balloons in 1 minute, as long as they’re not released.
    We just had a beach clean-up last Jan 25, it is ironic.
    Please do the right thing. Do not release the plastic balloons.

  9. Katia

    February 11, 2019 at 9:23 pm

    Stop the launch of balloons!!!

  10. Saddam Shaikh

    February 11, 2019 at 12:36 am

    I don’t understand why all people only talking about the balloons … ?? If they are really curious about the environment than stop all the activities which were going to harsh the environment… Like stop firework show… Stop DJ and Music show… Stop Lights show…. Just enjoy in a daylight with some good and environmental fun and activities…. Like planting new corals around the sea coast …. Planting some new Tress across the Island … Arranging some plants which attracts more birds… Think from all the sides and parameters…

  11. Rochelle

    February 10, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    Please do NOT release or use balloons!! The environment and animal can seriously do without this! Please please please!!! SAY NO TO BALLOONS!!!

  12. Darren

    February 10, 2019 at 6:06 pm

    Strongly URGE you to stop the balloon release. Please

  13. Loreen

    February 10, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    The idea is lovely if not our environment would be very bad affected by it, we should think about our beautiful nature and how to protect it instead of making it worse.

    Please don’t do it, rethink this idea and exchange it with something less harming for our environment.

  14. Maria

    February 10, 2019 at 3:31 pm

    Please do not relase 15000 baloons !!!!! It is bad for the environment and nobody will be happy about this. It takes 400 years for plastic to deteriorate and even longer for some baloons. What do you think?

  15. Under Cover Bonny Blonde

    February 10, 2019 at 2:58 pm

    Helium balloons can also burst at high altitudes, expanding from decreased atmospheric pressure. Burst balloons often return to earth in many smaller pieces, with larger sections resembling jellyfish—posing extreme risks to the animals that select them as food. The environmental impact of this celebration is HUGE! Please reconsider this activity!

  16. Beth

    February 10, 2019 at 2:55 pm

    Love the idea of a Happiness Festival up here in RAK as I am very happy living here and appreciate the people and environment in RAK. However, PLEASE re-think the release of all those balloons – will it not be a detriment to the beautiful environment up here ?!

  17. January

    February 10, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    Please rethink the release of 15,000 plastic balloons. Please!

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