
Beware of backdating frauds this year (2020) if you write the date in this format

Beware of backdating frauds this year (2020) if you write the date in this format

Be careful in every document that you fill up and sign on otherwise you might become exposed to several frauds. So, if you write the date as 01/12/20, the date can easily be forged to 2000 or 2099 or any other year in between.

Beware of backdating frauds this year (2020) if you write the date in this format

The year is about to end, and 2020 is all set to bring new beginnings. One thing that often goes unnoticed is the way people write the date when the year changes but in 2020 there’s more to be cautious about.

While we all will welcome the New Year with celebrations and happiness, it also means we will have to get used to writing the new date format.

This year, the way one mentions the date can be used to manipulate the way your documents are perceived. For example, if you write the date as 01/12/20, the date can easily be forged to 2000 or 2099 or any other year in between.

Be careful in every document that you fill up and sign on otherwise you might become exposed to several frauds

You will have to be careful in every document that you fill up and sign on. These could be government scheme documents, any form filling for the bank, cheques, bank deposit slips, application forms or every kind. Be it college application or passport form; you need to be careful on every document that you sign in the entire year of 2020. I’m sure you have seen numerous cases of frauds made with forging documents. If someone can create fake identities, changing dates becomes very easier in 2020, because you have written only just two numbers of the year.

You might become exposed to several frauds if someone can manipulate the dates in papers signed by you. For example, backdating in contracts or documents can land you in serious legal troubles. On the other hand, if someone can postdate documents like purchase orders, you can face dire financial consequences.

So this full year of 2020, you must carefully write the date in full DD-MM-YYYY format, for example, 01/01/2020. Writing and demanding the date in this format will ensure you stay on the safer side.


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