A free virtual doctor in UAE to diagnose COVID-19 symptoms
The Ministry of Health and Prevention in the UAE has launched a new service to improve public health.
A virtual doctor has been launched to help diagnose people who have symptoms that could be a sign of COVID-19.
The online service aims to help take the strain off of medical services in the UAE, which are currently busier than usual.

When logging on, the service will ask users a series of questions including travel history, contact with other people, your symptoms and more before making a diagnosis.
At the end, users will either be directed to call 998 or receive alternative advice on proceeding with their illness.
The system is not a substitute for medical emergencies and those who need urgent medical assistance are still advised to visit the nearest A&E department when seeking urgent medical care.
You can access the new virtual doctor by visiting www.mohap.gov.ae.
How does it work?
“Salam Alaikum, I’m here to guide you through the Coronavirus Assessment Tool. If you’re experiencing a life- or limb-threatening emergency, call [998],” the online bot writes as soon as you open the webpage.
“I’m not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a medical professional for serious symptoms or emergencies,” it adds.
The bot initially asks users a series of five multiple-choice questions. These include inquiries on the person’s emirate of residence, their travel history, symptoms, and contact points.
One of the questions requires users to state whether they have recently traveled/transited in locations such as China, Hong Kong, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, Spain, France, Germany, United States of America, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Belgium, Austria, Kuwait, or Bahrain in the last 14 days.
It also asks whether the individual has had contact with someone who had visited one of the aforementioned countries and is currently sick.

A series of follow-up questions is also brought forth by the bot, asking users whether they are experiencing fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Depending on the user’s answers, the bot will either ask the user to enter their mobile phone number so that they’d reach out and/or get the person medical help, or it will let the patient know that they are at low-risk of COVID-19 but that the bot is available to answer any additional inquiries.

The bot is also open for a chat. If a person is feeling unwell, they can message the bot and it will reply with a series of questions to better understand the individual’s situation and suggest a possible diagnosis and recommendations.